Comment préparer ma maison pour un service de rejointoiement?
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How to prepare my house for repointing service?

Getting Your Home Ready for a Successful Repointing Project with Maçonnerie Montréal

Why Proper Preparation is Crucial for Repointing

Repointing is a critical process in maintaining the integrity and appearance of your masonry building. It involves removing deteriorated mortar from the joints and replacing it with new mortar to ensure a strong and durable bond. Proper preparation before the repointing service is essential to ensure a smooth and efficient process, minimize disruptions, and achieve the best results.

Steps to Prepare Your Home for Repointing Service

Follow these steps to prepare your home for a repointing service by a professional masonry company like Maçonnerie Montréal:

1. Assess the Condition of Your Masonry

Before scheduling a repointing service, it's crucial to assess the condition of your masonry to determine the extent of the work needed. Look for signs of mortar deterioration, such as cracking, crumbling, or missing mortar. If you're unsure about the severity of the damage, consult a professional mason for an expert evaluation.

2. Clear the Surrounding Area

Ensure the area surrounding the masonry to be repointed is clear and accessible. Remove any obstacles, such as outdoor furniture, potted plants, or decorative items, to provide a safe and efficient workspace for the masons. Additionally, trim any overgrown vegetation or tree branches that may obstruct the work area.

3. Cover Windows, Doors, and Vents

Protect your windows, doors, and vents from dust and debris during the repointing process. Cover them with plastic sheeting or tarps to prevent damage and make the cleanup process easier. Don't forget to seal any gaps to prevent dust infiltration.

4. Notify Your Neighbors

Inform your neighbors about the upcoming repointing project so they can prepare their properties accordingly. Repointing can generate noise and dust, so giving your neighbors a heads-up can help them plan for any potential disruptions.

5. Coordinate with the Repointing Professionals

Discuss the project details with the repointing team from Maçonnerie Montréal to ensure everyone is on the same page. This includes the scope of work, timeline, and any specific concerns or requests you may have. Proper communication is key to a successful repointing project.

6. Plan for Parking and Access

Arrange for convenient parking and access for the repointing team. This may involve reserving parking spaces, moving vehicles, or providing access to your property through gates or fences. Ensuring easy access will help the project run smoothly and efficiently.

In conclusion: Taking the necessary steps to prepare your home for a repointing service by a professional masonry company like Maçonnerie Montréal will help ensure a smooth process and achieve the best results for your masonry building.


Properly preparing your home for a repointing service with Maçonnerie Montréal is essential to ensure a smooth and efficient process, minimize disruptions, and achieve the best results for your masonry building.


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