Comment évaluer la qualité d'un rejointoiement existant? (Guide 2024)
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How to evaluate the quality of existing repointing? (Guide 2024)

How to Evaluate the Quality of Existing Repointing?

Repointing, this essential masonry technique, is the key to maintaining the strength and aesthetics of your brick or stone walls. But how can you evaluate the quality of existing repointing? What signs should you look out for? In this article, we will delve deep into the key factors to consider when assessing the quality of existing repointing. Whether you're in Montreal, Laval, Longueuil, on the South Shore, or the North Shore, these insights will be invaluable for taking care of your masonry.

Why is Repointing Important?

Before diving into the evaluation of existing repointing, it is crucial to understand why this step is so vital for the integrity of your brick or stone walls. Repointing involves replacing or repairing the mortar joints between bricks or stones. Here's why it matters:

  1. Waterproofing: Quality repointing ensures proper waterproofing, preventing water from infiltrating and causing damage.

  2. Structural Stability: Compromised joints can weaken your wall's structure, jeopardizing the safety of your building.

  3. Aesthetics: Well-executed repointing enhances the visual appeal of your masonry, restoring it to a clean and polished appearance.

Now that we understand the importance of repointing, let's explore how to evaluate its quality.

Step 1: Visual Inspection

The first step in assessing the quality of existing repointing is a meticulous visual inspection. Here's what you should look for:

  • Cracks: Examine mortar joints for cracks. Cracks can indicate poor repointing or underlying structural issues.

  • Chips or Missing Pieces: Missing or detached mortar pieces are a clear sign that repointing is needed.

  • Color and Texture: Ensure that the color and texture of the new mortar match the old. Noticeable differences can detract from your masonry's aesthetics.

Step 2: Test Strength

Once you've conducted a visual inspection, test the strength of the mortar joints. Use a small pointed tool to gently scrape the mortar. Quality repointing should be solid and resist abrasion. If the mortar crumbles easily, it's time for repairs.

Step 3: Check Waterproofing

Waterproofing is crucial to prevent water infiltration. You can perform a simple test by pouring water onto the mortar joints. If the water is quickly absorbed instead of beading up and flowing away, it's a sign that repointing needs attention.

Step 4: Seek Professional Advice

Even as you conduct your assessment, it's wise to engage a masonry professional for a comprehensive evaluation. Experts can spot underlying issues that you might miss.

When to Consider Repointing?

After evaluating the quality of your existing repointing, you may wonder when it's time to proceed with repointing. Here are some signs indicating that action is needed:

  • Significant Cracks: Noticeable cracks in mortar joints are a clear indication that repairs are necessary.

  • Water Infiltration: If you detect indoor water leaks, repointing could be the solution.

  • Aesthetic Deterioration: If your masonry's appearance concerns you, repointing can restore its luster.

  • Poor Insulation: Faulty repointing can lead to inadequate thermal insulation, resulting in higher energy bills.

  • Structural Concerns: If you have doubts about your wall's stability, consulting a professional is essential.


Evaluating the quality of existing repointing is a crucial step in preserving the strength and aesthetics of your brick or stone walls. A thorough visual inspection, strength and waterproofing tests, along with input from a professional, are the keys to caring for your masonry in Montreal, Laval, Longueuil, on the South Shore, or the North Shore. Do not overlook this essential step in maintaining your building's beauty and durability.

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