Est-il possible de déclarer le coût de l'isolation et de l'imperméabilisation d'un mur en brique ou d'une maçonnerie sur mon assurance habitation à Montréal?
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Can I claim the cost of insulating and waterproofing a brick wall or masonry on my home insurance in Montreal?

Understanding Insurance Claims for Insulation and Waterproofing of Brick Walls and Masonry in Montreal

Home Insurance Policies and Coverage

Home insurance policies typically cover a wide range of damages and repairs needed to maintain the structural integrity of your property. However, the coverage of insulation and waterproofing work on brick walls and masonry depends on the specific terms of your policy and the circumstances that led to the need for these improvements.

When Can You Claim Insulation and Waterproofing Costs?

There are a few scenarios when you might be able to claim the cost of insulating and waterproofing your brick walls or masonry on your home insurance in Montreal:

  • Damage due to a covered peril: If the need for insulation and waterproofing arises due to damages caused by a peril that is covered under your policy, such as a storm or fire, your insurer may cover the costs.
  • Preventive measures: Some insurance policies offer coverage for preventive measures that help protect your property from potential damages. If insulating and waterproofing your brick walls or masonry is considered a preventive measure, you may be eligible for coverage.
  • Endorsements or riders: You may have additional coverage for specific situations through endorsements or riders on your policy. These can extend your coverage to include insulation and waterproofing costs.

When Are Insulation and Waterproofing Costs Not Covered?

In some cases, insulation and waterproofing costs might not be covered by your home insurance policy. These situations typically include:

  • Normal wear and tear: Home insurance policies generally do not cover the cost of maintenance or repairs resulting from normal wear and tear. If your brick walls or masonry require insulation and waterproofing due to age or regular use, you will likely need to cover the costs yourself.
  • Construction defects: If the need for insulation and waterproofing is due to poor construction or inadequate materials, your insurer may deny your claim.
  • Exclusions: Every insurance policy has exclusions, which are specific situations or damages that are not covered. If your insulation and waterproofing needs result from an excluded event, your claim will be denied.

How to File a Claim for Insulation and Waterproofing Costs

If you believe that your home insurance policy covers the cost of insulating and waterproofing your brick walls or masonry, follow these steps to file a claim:

  1. Review your policy: Carefully read your policy documents to understand the specific coverage, limitations, and exclusions related to insulation and waterproofing.
  2. Document the damage: Take photos and gather any relevant paperwork or receipts to support your claim.
  3. Notify your insurer: Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to report the damage and discuss your coverage. They will guide you through the claims process and provide any necessary forms.
  4. Get estimates: Obtain quotes from multiple contractors for the insulation and waterproofing work. This will help demonstrate the cost of the repairs to your insurer.
  5. Cooperate with the claims adjuster: An adjuster may be assigned to your claim to assess the damage and determine the appropriate payout. Be prepared to provide them with any requested documentation and allow them to inspect your property.
  6. Follow up on your claim: Stay in communication with your insurance company throughout the claims process and follow up on the status of your claim as needed.


Insulating and waterproofing a brick wall or masonry can be a significant expense. Whether you can claim the cost on your home insurance in Montreal depends on your specific policy and the circumstances surrounding the need for the work. It's essential to review your insurance policy, understand your coverage, and follow the appropriate steps to file a claim if you believe your policy covers the costs.