Quel type de briques résiste le mieux à l'efflorescence?
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What type of bricks are most resistant to efflorescence?

Discovering the Most Efflorescence-Resistant Bricks

In the world of masonry, efflorescence is a term that often raises eyebrows. It's that unsightly white, powdery deposit that can appear on brickwork, causing aesthetic and sometimes structural concerns. As experts in the field, we at Maçonnerie Montréal are frequently asked about the types of bricks that are most resistant to this phenomenon. Let's delve into this topic.

Understanding Efflorescence

Before we identify the most resistant bricks, it's crucial to understand what causes efflorescence. It results from water-soluble salts present in the brick or mortar. When water infiltrates the brickwork and then evaporates, these salts crystallize, leading to the white deposits we recognize as efflorescence.

Factors Influencing Brick Resistance

1. Brick Composition

The raw materials used and their proportions play a significant role. Bricks with higher silica content tend to be more resistant to efflorescence.

2. Manufacturing Process

The way a brick is manufactured can influence its resistance. Vitrified bricks, which are fired at very high temperatures, often display enhanced resistance due to their low porosity.

3. Brick Density

Denser bricks, which have fewer and smaller pores, are less susceptible as they absorb less water, reducing the risk of salt migration to the surface.

Top Picks for Efflorescence Resistance

1. Engineering Bricks

Known for their strength and low porosity, engineering bricks are an excellent choice for areas prone to moisture. Their dense nature makes them less likely to exhibit efflorescence.

2. Vitrified Face Bricks

These bricks undergo a process that melts the outer layer, sealing the pores. This vitrified layer acts as a barrier, reducing water absorption and, consequently, efflorescence.

3. Calcium Silicate Bricks

Made from lime, sand, and water, these bricks are known for their uniformity and resistance to various environmental factors, including efflorescence.

Prevention is Better than Cure

While choosing the right brick is essential, other preventive measures can be taken:

  • Proper Drainage: Ensure that the ground around brick structures slopes away to prevent water accumulation.
  • Quality Mortar: Use a mortar mix with minimal water-soluble salts.
  • Sealants: Consider applying a breathable sealant that allows moisture to evaporate but prevents water ingress.

Maçonnerie Montréal's Commitment

At Maçonnerie Montréal, we pride ourselves on delivering not just structures, but masterpieces that stand the test of time. Our deep understanding of masonry, combined with cutting-edge techniques, ensures that every project we undertake is a testament to quality and craftsmanship.


Efflorescence, while a concern, can be managed with the right knowledge, materials, and techniques. Trust in Maçonnerie Montréal to guide you every step of the way, ensuring your interiors remain as pristine as the day they were built.